14-15 Feb-17 : “Expert Lecture C++,JAVA ”. by Mrs.Kranti Gajmal and Mr.Khandke M.A. Asst.Prof., Computer Dept. of GIT in EXTC Dept.
14-15 Feb-17 : “Expert Lecture C++,JAVA ”. by Mrs.Kranti Gajmal and Mr.Khandke M.A. Asst.Prof., Computer Dept. of GIT in EXTC Dept.
14-15 Feb-17 : “Expert Lecture C++,JAVA ”. by Mrs.Kranti Gajmal and Mr.Khandke M.A. Asst.Prof., Computer Dept. of GIT in EXTC Dept.
14-15 Feb-17 : “Expert Lecture C++,JAVA ”. by Mrs.Kranti Gajmal and Mr.Khandke M.A. Asst.Prof., Computer Dept. of GIT in EXTC Dept.