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Computer Science Engineering : AIML Department

The Department offers a 4-Year B.E. Degree Programme in Computer Science Engineering : Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. The department has team of young and enthusiastic faculty members with state-of-the-art laboratories.

The Department of CSE:AIML Engineering emphasizes on exposing the students to Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analytics Skills to cope up with Computer Engineering/IT/Software Industry Demands. The department takes initiative to make students competent in the software field by bridging the gap between Industry Skills and Demand by organizing various Guest Lectures, Seminars, Workshops, Training Programs by eminent persons from best industries and institutes.

Industry Internship Programmes are also initiated by the department. Keeping Industrial requirements in mind, MOU with IT organizations like AWS Academy have been signed for exchanging Knowledge, Project Development, Training by Experts etc.

Year of Establishment2022
Intake69 Seats : [60(CAP+IL)+3TFWS+6EWS]+6[DSE]
Phone No 9405595075
Student BodyBRAINS(Board of Representatives of Artificial Intelligence Novice Students)
MOUClick Here