Unnat Maharashtra Abbhiyan (UMA)

Institute shares UMA’s concern about making ongoing research in engineering colleges,polytechnics, and other higher education institutes in Maharashtra more public-oriented by analyzing various day-to-day social and developmental problems in the state (for example, rural sanitation, toilets, drainage management, drinking water, road development, evaluation and reinforcement of roads, water conservation, fuel and energy, health, drought,etc.).img Aligning curricula and research with development needs will serve two purposes-

(i) contribute to socio-economic development agenda of the state through the provision of skilled manpower (societal objective)
(ii) enable students, researchers and faculty members to work on live socio-economic problems in an inter-disciplinary manner, leading to more well-rounded professionals with diverse skill sets (institutional objective)

As a leading engineering institution in Kokan region, UMA will help us enhance our competitive edge by facilitating the development of new research practices and protocols, new job descriptions and new avenues for inter-disciplinary professionals.

The short to medium term objectives of institute are:
1. Establishing engagement with government agencies and local bodies
2. Networking with regional institutions
3. Initiating and fostering research practice according to regional needs, sensitivities and demands.

Document DetailsLink
UMA ActivitiesDownload
GIT in Rural Water Supply Scheme GR dtd.14.07.2020Download
GIT in Jalyukt Shivar GR dtd.06.03.2019Download
GIT Empaneled under UMA GR dtd.05.07.2017Download
UMA Projects
DepartmentTitle of the ProjectsLink
Civil EngineeringPost analysis of geometric design on Khed-Chiplun Highway (N.H.-66)
Analysis and design and construction of Earth Rammed structure Click Here
Replacement of coarse aggregate by treated Coconut shell aggregates
Analysis of Flood Risk and Pollution in Shiv river with its effects on Vashishthi River using QGIS Click Here
Guidelines and Structural audit of Masonry Bridge
Increasing Efficiency and modification of STP at Chiplun and utilization of treated water
Development of Artificial pond in Agricultural field for Kharif crops
Use of Plastic Waste in Road construction
Study on Quality survey and control measures of Sangmeshwar- Sakharpa Road
Rural Water Supply scheme(Dalvatne 1 Lakh liters Capacity) AssessmentClick Here
Rural Water Supply scheme(Dalvatne 25 Thousand liters Capacity) Assessment
Jalyuktashivar Assessment Click Here
Electronics and Telecommunication EngineeringCCTV improvement for monitoring and securityClick Here
Energy Benchmarking of Commercial Office Building
Automation of conference hall of collector office Click Here
Garbage bins monitoring and collection Click Here
Developing economical Blind stick Click Here
Realization of Photonic Crystal structure as sensor
RIFD Based wireless shopping cart for super market
Attendance system by facial identification
Computer EngineeringDevelopment of Efficient Billing system for City Cool Ice cream Parlor
Development of Android Employee Tracker
Development of Crime reporting system for Mandangad Police station
Development of search Engine for LAN
Development of Bus Pass Android App
Development of Website for Ratnagiri Tourism Click Here
Chemical EngineeringDesign, treatment and reuse of waste water from industries (waste water>50,000lit.)
Collection and reuse of Coconut shells : Bio fertilizer
Study of fluidization characteristics for Carbochlorination reaction
Study of behavior of Chelating agents for perception and inhibition of cations in specified conditions
Mechanical EngineeringDesign and Development of Cork fitting machine
Improvisation of Chilling plant : Efficiency
Design of Shell and Tube type Heat Exchanger
Study and Design of Hydraulic Test Bench
Planning and Design of Bio- Digester Toilet system for Indian Railways
Design and Development of Low Cost Houses using Composite materials