7.1.3 Facilities in the Institution for the Waste Management
1. Solid Waste ManagementThe institute has a sprawling green campus and gives top priority to keep the campus clean and ecofriendly. The faculties and students are regularly advised to reduce waste at lower extent. Students put waste in separate bins kept at different places on the college campus like corridors, faculty cabin, classroom seminar hall, hostels, guest-house, and faculty residence. All the material is collected and destroyed on daily basis. The OWC (Organic Waste Convertor) Plant is set up in the college premise to covert the waste into compost. The same compost is used to the plants in the campus. |
2. Liquid Waste Management & Biofilter
Waste water from canteen, mess, hostels and staff quarters is given treatment and supplied to plants in the campus. The college has set up Biofilter Plant in the campus having area 520 sq. ft.
View Biofilter Plant Project Report
Treated water is reused for irrigation purpose.
3. E-Waste ManagementInstitute has scrap management committee which looks after E-waste management. E-waste generated in the institute is classified and is sent to the authorized E-waste treatment Plant. |
4. Hazardous Chemical and Radioactive waste management
Management of hazardous waste in academic area: |
5. Biomedical Waste ManagementThe biomedical waste is not generated in the campus. In case of any medical emergency, we send student to Gharda Hospital which is very near from the campus. |