CASTLE(Civil Association of Students for Technically Leading Engineeres)
The aim of the CASTLE is to organize the various kind of functions for students.
To promote ethnicity amongst students by organizing and conducting various events. Also celebrating the cultural diversity by nurturing the inner talent of students.
CASTLE committee conducts following events within a year:
1. Freshers Party for newly admitted students - Newly joined students for Civil engineering in GIT for FE and second year get information about GIT, Civil Department, faculties, students achievements etc. Introduction of Castle Committee members to all students.2. Speech on Engineers Day-Technical speeches are organized on 15th September as National Engineer's Day.
3. Expert Lectures on various topics by faculties
4. Celebration of Teacher's Day. The students conduct the lectures on own class or other classes choosing their interested civil engineering related topics.
5. Celebration Of Gudipadva and arranging Rangoli competition on the occasion of the festival
6. Farewell of the BE students etc.
Description | Link |
CASTLE Committees & Activity Reports | 21-22 / 20-21 / 19-20 / 18-19 / 17-18 |